Saturday, February 07, 2015

Overcoming Struggles and Coming Closer to the Savior

This week has been pretty interesting, overwhelming, amazing... a good thing. We had a really good Zone training meeting last Saturday which reminded us of the talk "Missionary Work and the Atonement" by Elder Holland. Then I had exchanges on Sunday and Monday with Sisters Bennett and Thomas. Both are just amazing, wonderful and powerful missionaries that I've learned so much from them and I've seen how much they love the work.
So far, these past 2 weeks, I have been struggling a lot not just with finding investigators but being focused in the moment. The worst thing I guess that you can have on your mission when you are already reaching your "dying" mark (based on mission lingo) is not having baptisms or not having much of a teaching pool or not finding much investigators as you hoped; it's when you have constant DREAMS about home. Dreams that seemed so real that you end up waking up in the middle of the night making sure that you are still on your mission. There was even one point that I couldn't handle it anymore that I woke up feeling exhausted and depressed and I forced myself to have that drive to do missionary work because that was the very thing that I have loved doing these past 18 months despite the roller coaster rides.
During my exchanges with Sister Bennett, she reminded me of President Hinckley's famous quote, "Forget yourself, and go to work." I did it. I tried to be as consecrated as possible and it worked, temporarily. And when I've made my decision to really lose myself in the work; you know, "No Body" is there just trying to make us think of any possible thing that could bring us down. Well, of course, I wouldn't let him. But with my little strength that I had during the day, he eventually knows when to get me - the time when I am not conscious of resisting those adversaries that come. So when I woke up that dreadful morning, I couldn't help but tell my companion, "I'm definitely asking President for a priesthood blessing. I can't do this alone anymore."

Before I continue on, let me share some good things that happened this week. We found new investigators and we've had really spiritual "lessons" this past few days. We met a Filipino Couple from Los Angeles, California who is willing to attend our Sunday Services and so we invited them to come to our service at 7:30 in the morning if they would still be here in Utah. They sent us a text message that they would head back to CA but I invited them to attend the services nearest to their home in California. Lo and behold, they are still willing to attend. We're praying that they will be. Then my investigator Gerald went to church last Sunday and loved it. He is so excited for his baptism on the 1st of March. I was quite sad that Lazaro's baptism will be moved to next transfer that I'm okay with it. As long as he is excited and committed to become closer to the Savior then it is good. Jayne, my investigator from Georgia, is doing good. She is now seeing how the gospel can totally help her and she is so similar with me having my OCD tendencies sometimes. I was able to help her out with that as well since I've gotten better. And we met a new investigator, Jillian, who came on chat because she had a friend who is a member of the church. So we taught her the first lesson and we forgot to do one thing, inviting her to be baptized. She is so good though, we hope it would go well. She will be meeting with the local missionaries on Tuesday and we will be calling her again on Wednesday so my companion and I told ourselves to NOT forget to invite her this time when we follow-up.
Now going back to asking President for a priesthood blessing, (Sorry I'm getting really random and this email is getting longer) I wasn't able to do so until this morning. But the events that transpired this morning was exactly what I needed so that I can stop thinking of things that would happen after the next few weeks. As Sister Natalie Stephen would always quote adjusting to missionary life, "All I have to do right now is....." That is a really good therapy for me. We even met a return missionary who was studying by the Statue of Christ which quite gave an impact on what I will be hearing from President later on. He quoted 2 Nephi 26:23-24 which talks about the Savior and His Atonement and we ended up being edified on how we can become closer to the Savior Himself, as missionaries and as members of the church. We also had a good follow-up Mission Leadership Council before that on how we can effectively help the Sisters in our Districts become converted as we help our investigators be converted as well. It was really good and I learned a lot.
The interview I had with President helped me think of ways that I could stay focused on the work even when I am sleeping. And even when he gave me the priesthood blessing, the words he spoke was exactly the words that I needed to hear. Our mission president is really inspired. :D

​Well, sorry for the long email. I guess, I really love this week because of the things I've learned. I also enjoyed reading the emails that friends and fellow missionaries sent. We are participating in such a great cause. We love this work. We grow from this work.​

"For behold, my beloved brethren, I say unto you that the Lord God worketh not in darkness. He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation." - 2 Nephi 26:23-24

​I love you! The Lord loves you!​

Sister Kristel Marie Cruz Ngo (吳姐妹)
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission/
Georgia Atlanta North Mission
​side note: I visited and I found this! Edwina Naval, a young woman from my ward back home, being an example to others. I love her and I am proud of her. Watch the Video by clicking the link below!