It has been a challenging but great transfer so far and snow is falling from the skies this morning as we headed to the Relief Society building to attend our Relief Society. (We, Temple Square Sisters, have our own ward and our RS is every other Thursdays).
Our guest speaker this morning was Sister Linda K. Burton, President of the General Relief Society Presidency. She's amazing and I love her. I love her testimony and the lesson that she shared with us sisters. She made us think of the person that influenced our lives and with that activity, I thought of my mother. After sharing the person that has influenced her life, she gave some of the sisters a chance to share their person in mind. As the sharing goes, I thought of other people that has touched my life aside from my mother and the Savior.
She reminded us of being a disciple of Jesus Christ who displayed exemplary faith and great act of charity with the small things they do. She mentioned that true happiness comes by living the gospel of Jesus Christ. She told us that each act of discipleship is an act of charity. This is the perfect time to become His disciples. This is the perfect season to serve. With the stories that I've heard from home with regards to simple acts of charity (prayer, missionary work, service), it gave me hope and strength to work even harder and to do the best that I can on my mission. It also strengthened my testimony.
This mission is as hard as any other mission. There were times this transfer that I shed tears because I felt inadequate, I felt that I'm not improving, that I'm not trying my best. That I'm not meeting the expectations that have been set back home. But I am grateful for a companion who cares and knows what I've been going through. It's hard, but she sees something in me that I don't see for myself... my potential, my desire to become better, and most of all, my effort do improve and do best.
I know I'm not perfect. But I know that I am not alone and that Heavenly Father loves me very much that He's giving me this opportunity to grow. I know that He knows that I'm not perfect but He knows that I'm striving to become perfect. I know that He is there to lift me up when I'm weak or exhausted. I know that I am an instrument in His work and that I am called to serve here for a purpose. I know that searching the scriptures, pondering and praying really helps a lot. It also helps strengthen me, my faith and my testimony.
I had a wonderful time this week. Last Tuesday, we were able to go to a member family's house to eat and have an early celebration of Christmas. They are wonderful. They remind me of the happiness that I felt while spending Christmas back home. I felt good because even though I'm far away from my family, the Lord has provided us sisters with a wonderful mission family. It's a sacrifice worth making especially that this sacrifice does not only bring me blessings, but those who love and support me and have influenced my life to stay strong here in the field.
This season is the perfect season to think about Christ. The perfect time to evaluate what good we have done this year and what good we can do better next year. It's the perfect time to think about service, to think of simple acts of charity towards all men. The perfect time to think what matters most in our lives. A perfect time to be grateful. As President Monson said, in order for us to know the true meaning of the Spirit of Christmas, we need only to drop the last syllable.
One of the words that Sister Burton said is that "As you serve Him, you become like Him." Look for opportunities to serve Him, to invite others to come unto Him. We, as members of the His church, are missionaries (may it be with a name tag or not). Strive to have the Christlike love everyday. I know that in doing so, the more happier we become. The more that our lights shines in our countenance. The more we will feel His love.