Not been updating lately 'coz my head's still absorbing everything since last week and was expecting A LOT of important calls and spending as many time with friends and family, making Book of Remembrance pages for some friends, working with the missionaries (oh I so love working with them that I forget about other stuff!) and other stuff I needed to do before leaving for Provo.
I already have my itinerary printed, so that's about it. I'm quite ready for Sunday.
Last Sunday was the final service that I would attend in my home ward before my mission. Our bishop gave me a privilege to speak in the pulpit. Since he did not assign me a topic and wasn't able to prepare for that Sunday due to... (I totally forgot what I did that Saturday), I decided to bear my testimony how much Heavenly Father loves us and how much He is always there to answer our prayers. That Sunday was very meaningful for me because of the lessons I have learned that would help me prepare to become a good missionary to the best of my abilities.
Credits to owner... :) |
During Sunday school, since mom was going to fetch my father from the airport, she gave me the privilege to teach the lesson she had prepared for them. What I loved about the lesson is it expounded on how we should put on the whole armor of God. I perfectly remember what they are: The helmet of Salvation, Loins girt with Truth, the breastplate of Righteousness, the sword of the of the words of the Spirit and the Revelation of the Prophets, the shield of Faith, the feet shod of preparation to learn of the Gospel and have peace. I remember saying that without this armor, we will be vulnerable to adversaries and temptations. Satan knows our strengths and weaknesses that he could use it against us. But if we do something to keep our armor on, our Heavenly Father would help us increase our strengths and withstand the "fiery darts of adversary". We gain this armor by keeping our covenants and obeying with exactness the commandments of God. We keep our armor by "feasting upon the words of Christ" and gaining wisdom "by study and also by faith." We also practice daily prayers as much as we could and renew our covenants by attending sacrament and if possible, temple sessions as often as we could.
I love how the atonement of Christ made a significant change in my soul that it helped me change and improve my life. It also brought me closer to my family and friends, whose relationships I never quite noticed before. I love being a missionary and I am really excited to serve my full-time mission and to serve the Lord and other people with the gospel. I'm happy with what the gospel has brought in my life.
So this is it. I'll finally be where the Lord wants me to be.
Should you guys wish to contact me, mailing address and email address details are on the left. So keep me posted. (or you could comment your email address and I'll be emailing you soon during my p-days).
Love you guys!
Sister Ngo ♥